On December 11 th, Trusted Corporation supported an event called “STARTUP X PHARMA CONNECT” -Dialogue toward future success through collaboration- hosted by Bayer Yakuhin, Ltd. at CIC Tokyo.
We brought together 14 innovative Japanese startups and 5 large pharmaceutical companies together to discuss the current challenges in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries, resources/ support startups are seeking and how large companies can contribute to the success of startups in the global markets.
The format of the event was designed to have an open and deep discussion, to talk about urgent matters and practical solutions, having both startup founders and decision makers from large companies in each discussion tables.

It was a successful kick-off event, we ll organize more events based on the needs we gathered from startups during the discussions.
If you are interested in our initiatives, please feel free to reach out to us. We are planning to create a Pharmaceutical and healthcare community in Japan by involving all innovation ecosystem members, startups,VC, government, academia, research institutions.
Thank you everyone for participating in the event. Stay tuned for the next event!
Email: contact@trusted-inc.com